Ohio Drivers Ed Practice Exam 2024 - Free Drivers Ed Practice Questions and Study Guide.

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When parallel parking, the space you choose should be at least how long?

1 car length

1 1/2 car lengths

When parallel parking, the space you choose should be at least 1 1/2 car lengths long. This is because you need enough space to fit your car comfortably and leave some room for adjustment. Choosing a space that is only 1 car length may leave your car too close to the cars in front and behind, making it difficult to maneuver. Similarly, choosing a space that is 2 car lengths long may be too spacious and you may not be able to utilize the space effectively. 2 1/2 car lengths is too long for parallel parking as it may block traffic and make it challenging for other cars to pass by. Therefore, 1 1/2 car lengths is the optimal length for parallel parking.

2 car lengths

2 1/2 car lengths


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